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Monday, November 2, 2020

October 2020

This month I woke up to life in COVID-19 risk area. I am approaching new flu/covid-19 season already energy depleted, as my life has already been for a while simple and as isolated as sanity allowed.

However, this month ended with a little baby being born and expanding my family with love and joy. It is a sweet distraction from all that is happening in the world.


'Women Don't Own You Pretty' by Florence Given

This book is full of well observed social gender problems and practical tips. Florence Given come across as smart and passionate but at moments a bit too intense as for me. She talks a lot about self development in the context of sexuality and relationships which I enjoyed. Totally agree one should not pretend to be less just to protect ones partner's ego or altering oneself to satisfy omni existent male gaze criteria. However, she seems to advice finding prince/princess perfect that will love one the way one is since one is so perfect... It is an aspect I disagree with her about and would like to comment on. If you search for a partner find someone with who you agree on most important to you aspects and with who you can grow and keep becoming better and better version of yourself while watching them doing just the same for themselves. We are all humans in making. 

'Reboot' by Jerry 

First of all it is business book about spiritual growth needed to succeed in the highest positions in the corporation ladder or as a business owner. Jerry' style of writing is tiny bit too spiritual for me but his metaphorical approach softens truths and they easier to swallow. Also, because not being hard core psychological it is easier to go through (than other book I am currently chewing) and do a bit of journaling without getting constantly too deep into problems from the past (that is emotionally draining, and one can do only that much at a time).
I plan to write a separate post based on this book: 'There is no path... deal with it' (one day when my brain will wiggle itself out of dipper issues). 

'Big Magic' by Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth's TED talk about inspiration and creativity is one of my favorite TED talks. This book is an expansion of the thoughts she shared there. This book is precious to me as I am striving to go back to more creative way of living. This book is filled with wisdom and I can only recommend it.

'All my friends are superheroes' by Andrew Kaufman

It is a cute short love story. Sens of humor there is totally to my taste and I enjoyed reading it.