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Monday, March 1, 2021

February 2021

I have not finished as many books as I intended and it is hard to blame shortness of the month for it. To be precise I have only finished one book! However, I did studied a lot painting with acrylics and I might at some point review the excessive literature I have invested in to learn using this versatile medium. I have to admit I have not expected how exciting it would be to paint and use it as an expressive channel. Currently my skills are in their infancy so not every fancy idea I am able to turn into a representing well my vision output. But I am having a blast with what I can so far and I look forward to extending my abilities.


'I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough"' by Brene Brown

It is another self-help book by Brene Brown that chews on ones heart and force you to grow this tiny-winy more confident it your own value. I enjoyed it as all other books of Mrs Brown I read so far. She speaks about feelings and life in a very tender and wise manner. This book is most relevant for women as it is based on Mrs Brown research data she gathered about women. The book describes issues with shame and how to build resilience against it. For me it was great read.