From work stuff, my new PhD direction was approved. It was a bit of risk and there is still risk involved but I proposed my own topic and methods. It was questioned and discussed but in the end of the meeting I heard from my committee that they are to support me in my plans and hope I succeed. So far so good…
I have read two very different books but I would recommend both.
First was "Hold on to your kids" by Gabor, which was very helpful to build a mental framework for some aspects of parenting that align with my vision. Specifically, that kids do benefit from attaching to parents and important in their life adults as opposed to relying emotionally on their peers. I have myself been adult attached and even if not all aspects of it went as their should I believe especially in primary school and early teenage years it helped me to be more self assured.
Second book was surprisingly good and interesting, it was "My body" by Emily Ratajkowski. The surprise was how relatable it was and how little focus was on glamour versus valuable discussion of relationship to ones own body.