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Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

summer diet

Summer is the best time to try to add to a diet more fruits and vegetables. I have so far conducted and up-taken few "food projects".

Strawberry Jam

Just like last year I have made strawberry marmalades. It was a whole day project. I woke up early and went out of town where the strawberry fields are. My parents in law have a friend that owns some of those fields and we were allowed to pick up as many strawberries as we want to. After whole day of cooking I have made 6 jars of jam and two jars of pancake syrup. They won't last long but as long as they will they will make me happy and proud.


I have started making based on milk or juice smoothies. I make them room temperature or 4 degrees if I make too much and I need to put it to a fridge. I store them in body-builder gym shakers but I remove the grating from it. For those that are not gym freaks or do not live with one, what I use is just a cup with a cover so one can shake it before drinking in case the smoothie has separated.

I have started making juice based smoothies to increase my vegetable intake. I do not like to eat salad and fresh spinach, it is not that I do not like the taste (they do not have much of it) but I am slow chewer and I always have an impression that I use way more energy to chew spinach or salad than the energy/calories they provide me with... Anyway, I really like it in juices. I do not follow any specific recipes I just throw what I have with some thought behind it of course. Until now I have 100% success, meaning that all of my mixtures were drinkable :)
 One of my smoothies contained: beets, spinach, squash, orange juice (as a base), frozen pineapple-papaya mix, algae powder and lemon juice.

Milk (I use milk alternatives as almond, rice, soya, etc. milks because I am lactose intolerant) smoothies are my way of preparing fast breakfasts. Here is an example: soya milk, oats, nuts (only if your mixer is strong), banana, lime juice, frozen pineapple-papaya mix, flaxseeds, chia seeds, blueberries, strawberries, and I poured it to a bowl to be able to top it with some honey puffs and eat with a spoon.


Jelly with fruit is a great dessert for hot summer days and also rainy gray days ;) (it seems like summer will not come to northern Europe this year).

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

bike satire

Haven't been in Denmark for 2 years and I haven't biked a single mile during that time. I am out of biking shape and lets face the truth I was forced to rediscover that hate biking.

I bike around 1h everyday. It is my transportation. And no argument about being green or healthy matters to me. I think it really sucks.
My butt aches and I am pretty sure that if I won't go to the gym from time to time to train my butt, I will become super flat butt-ed girl, because I sit whole day!

I sit while studying and now my motion of the day is also while sitting.

I feel tired from that biking. I arrive sweaty to the university, bus drivers do not care and want to kill me on the road.
And if it rains... that generated so much hate and laziness that I honestly rather stay home, skip work, classes or a party than bike to the destination! If I bike for a half and hour in a rain I have a small rain between my hat and glasses, I hardly see and well I still have to bike the same hard path as on sunny day...

Wind is always in my face. Do not even let me start about that one...

My backpack is heavy and or it annoys me on my back or it makes controlling the bike more difficult when I set it into the basket.

Even in flat Denmark there is plenty of hills to hate.

The only reason I bike is not because I think it is trendy, or because I think it will save our planet, or because I think it is a great way of being active...
I bike because I am too poor to get a car! And well I do not have driving license, but even if I had I do not have money for a car, so it doesn't matter.

And it is not only me, I have very slow bike and I look on other people while biking and they hate it too.
When it rains the view is far away from happy healthy people on pretty bikes, happily biking through pretty happy city.

What I am saying is, the moment I have money I am going to pollute our planet with fumes from my car!