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Showing posts with label mindfulness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mindfulness. Show all posts

Sunday, March 19, 2023


Running was always good for my rattled, spinning, exhausted with feelings mind. 

Walking is a bit too slow. Walking is good if I really need to do thinking... Thinking is sometime to much, too demanding, too scary, too serious,... unless I am trying solving some complex problem not emotional or personal. Then walking is a thing.

Running is like airing out home. It doesn't clean it but it does bring fresh energy. 

I am not a year round runner. I cannot do it when the weather is bad. Now, I can handle rain and wind. But once temperature is around 0 Celsius and days are short. There seem to be no force to take me out running on a weekly basis. I would need a motivated running buddy to do it but I don't have one. However, running in the nature seem to be so tempting, especially when that nature stares at me day and night through the window. I cannot resist. I feel like it guild trips me and at some point I give in, bundle up and go for that run. What a wonderful think to do of that nature to get me out and heal my mind and body. Yes, yes it is just airing out but with fresh energy my mind seem to be more willing to order it around according to my values and dreams... My body seem to gain a spark of power to carry me further...

Running around forests, fields, and small ponds.

I am not gonna do it when it rains cat and dogs and any other animal from the village but the pull out is real and I am grateful for it.