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Saturday, September 30, 2017


I haven't realized that it had been so long since I have last written a post. Last one that I have written is from September 2016, however last one I have published was from June 2016?! live has been very busy...

In May 2016 I was still living in Netherlands in beautiful Leiden and working in The Hague. I am not living there anymore. Since September 2016 I have been living in Germany. I haven't been working since September, but I start a phd next month. I have done a B1 language certificate in German. In my free time I did creative writing. I mostly worked on my book ideas. What I have is far away from anything I could present but I was happy to have time to do it. I have became a mum and it definitively was the most intensive and incredible experience in my life. Now taking care of my little baby is my main focus, but as said soon I will have to divide my time between working at the university on my phd project and spending time at home with my wonderful family.


The moment I got a baby I realized how printed books are unhandy, heavy and difficult to hold. My Kindle that until now was laying bored on one of the bookshelf in my apartment got its chance to shine. And it did. Without my e-reader I probably couldn't do any reading at all so I instantaneously became a huge fan.

It would be impossible for me to review all the books I have read in the last year and half. So, I will focus only on those that I have read on my Kindle.

Bright Young Things by Scarlett Thomas

I have recently realized that I am bad in giving review of anything, books included. I tend to just summarize the whole story... which is annoying for those that thought about reading it.
I love this book. Very geeky. I would say that every person coming out of age should read it. It touches on a lot of existential dilemmas (that probably most of teenagers have).
It is an easy, fast read based mostly on interesting dialoges. Six young people that we get to know on the beginning of the book are in such a situation in their life that they find themselves applying for a quite weird job. First time they meet each other is when they wake up at some remote island... There is romance, there is fun and there is a dead body... I highly recommend this book.

The Brain by David Eagleman

So good! I want to read it again. David Eagleman gave a nice TED talk that basically summarizes this book. It is a popular science book that by presenting comments about different research results gives a lovely insight of who we are as human beings. Or at least what we know so far about that...

Be Bilingual by Annika Bourgogne

I read this because as for current moment my newborn baby is facing a challenge of learning four languages... and I would like to introduce those languages in a least messy way possible. This is the first book on this topic that I have read. I have found it interesting. It gives a lot of examples and real life suggestions.

The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

I loved and I hated it at moments. Characters are very complex and not all likable. It is fantasy but it is also very real book. We follow a life of one woman. Weird things happen in this book. It is divided into parts narrated by different characters. I liked first part, loved second and last one. I had had time following fourth one, and hated fifth. Sixth one was weird. It is a really good book but I had hard time feeling in the "War" that two groups of immortals have between them. And that "War" is a reason for everything that happens in the book... I am very confused with my feelings about this book... I am happy I have read it.