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Friday, August 30, 2013

juices to try in Malaysia

I have tried a lot of different drinks in Malaysia that I have never tried before.

Bandung - milk flavored with rose syrup - very sweet but nice with a lot of ice, pink in color.
Jagung - milk flavored with corn syrup - as for me way too sweet, orange in color.
Sirap - just a rose syrup.

WARNING! Never take them without a lot of ice! They just way to sweet for that.

Teh - tea is mostly served with sweet condensed milk, can be hot or cold. Also very sweet.

In Malaysia they like to add different fruits or seeds or jellies to their water or teh or juice or soda.

Some of my favorites are:
Rose Lemon Iced Tea from La Kaffa! I even liked the jellies they add to it: black balls and long white stripes.

Barli (eng. barley) - hot water with barley, lime and sugar - perfect for cooling down not only on hot days but also when you catch a fever.

A great drink is also a watermelon juice with lychee or longan fruits.

WARNING: Fresh orange juice might also come as a surprise. It is mostly not pressed but blended orange, only one per glass, with a lot of water, ice and sugar. But if you ask nicely you might get two oranges and no sugar, but it might not happen... no need to get angry just try again next time.

Generally it seems like there is no amount of sugar in Malaysia that could make a drink to sweet for them, but I couldn't enjoy some of drinks because of it.
My tip is that wherever you go ask for NO Additional SUGAR. Your drink will be crazy sweet no matter what but you might avoid a heart attack.

 Also pick you jellies wisely because some of them are very sweet, as for me way to sweet.

And here are some commercial products worth trying:

Generally any drink you get in Malaysia if it should be cold drink it very cold, because went it will get warm... and it can get warm very fast in Malaysia it will be same awful experience as drinking warm coca cola.


When I came back to Denmark from Malaysia I found a small surprise in 7Eleven. 
Bubble drinks came to Europe. 
Nice, but still nothing comparing to the choice of fun stuff one can add to drink in Malaysia!


Durian is commonly know as King of the Fruits in Malaysia. And it is in season now, so one can get it everywhere.

They not easy to open, because it has very sharp thorns.

Durian is very milky, sweet and sometimes has a bitter after taste. Its most unique feature is a horrible smell. When it is fresh it is not so bad, but if it lays for an hour the smell is very strong. And if you burp it seems like you dead or rotten inside.

I have tried two types one mild and second one more aromatic.

If you eat to much of durian you can get a fever so it is adviced to drink a lot of water.

It is claimed to be an aphrodisiac.

To wash the smell off your hands it is best to put the skin of durian under the stream of water.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

mango steen

Mango steen is in season now. Sweet and sour in taste. Be careful while peeling because peel can color your skin.

Except of name it is nothing like a mango.

It look like garlic but the taste is completely different.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Malay wedding

I have attended first Malay wedding. It was organized at home.

It is typical to have an available karaoke for guests.

It was a lunch-time wedding reception.

Typical souvenir for guests traditionally contain an egg.

I had an honor to serve just married couple for a bit.

This is used when parents bless the couple.

One more souvenir and one more egg. Btw. those orange chips are really good!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Gua Tempurung

I went caving with two of my friends...

Gua Tempurung it is a beautiful cave. However, if you expect that inside is cold then you very very wrong! Inside the cave is very hot and humid, this short walk squeezed a lot of sweat from me.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Raya at KLCC

Hari Raya starts with few intensive days of celebration just after Ramadan.
However, visiting friends and open house events take up to a month.
During that time cafes and malls will be decorated with green Lanterns - embellishments in a shape of Ketupat (rise in a young coconut leaves) and if you lucky you can come across some life traditional music performances.

There is ongoing project in Kuala Lumpur to have everywhere a skywalk. Here is one that connects hotels near  KLCC with Pavilion at Bukit Bintang.

Impiana hotel where I enjoyed my Hari Raya weekend.

I love city landscapes like that.
Green Lanterns in a shape of Ketupat.

Malay house in a mall.

Life music - I have enjoyed it a lot!

I was sipping on my tea at KLCC Starbucks and admiring this city landscape...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Raya at University

Our department organized Raya for us. 

We were served chicken rendang and chicken satay with peanut sauce with sticky rice. Both dishes are sweat in taste, of course spicy but very very good! Those two I am gonna miss for sure when I am back in Europe.